


This auction includes one NEW Sumatra 2500 PCP Air Rifle (Gun vice not included). The Sumatra is one very, very powerful .20 caliber, lever action, pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) rifle. If a shooter is looking for a rifle that can reach out to those longer distances (over 50 yards), then this has got to be the gun for that purpose. The .20 caliber rifle shoots very flat, as one would expect from a gun that shoots Eun Jin .20 caliber 24.5 grain pellets at 995 fps (54 fpe). Even the most popular, better-known pellets yield some startling velocities. Beeman .20 caliber Kodiak pellets were chronographed at a whopping 1059 fps average, Crosman Premiers .20's at 1200 fps average and Beeman .20 FTS at 1159 fps average.

Velocities of this magnitude will certainly make for a very flat trajectory coupled with a huge amount of knockdown energy at the target. The Sumatra offers 13 power levels and the pellet test figures quoted above were shot at high power. The gun is so powerful at 50% of the .20 caliber pellets shot well over the 1080 fps speed of sound with the highest velocity at full power being 1242 fps. To bring those velocities down to a lower level, simply shift to the lower power(s), which is done easily by turning the power wheel in front of the trigger in either direction after fully cocking the gun. Along with it's other features, the Sumatra is advertised to have an accuracy rating of 3/8" ctc at 30 yards using Eun Jin pellets. We didn't do that testing and assume that it comes from factory tests but from the shooting we've done with the Sumatra we sure don't see any reason to doubt the results. It shot well with all the pellets we tested. In addition the barrel is threaded for add-on accessories and the trigger is a two stage adjustable unit. But the most noticeable feature is the 6 shot rotary magazine. Due to the Sumatra's Korean heritage, a lot of shooters will be comparing the Sumatra to the Career 707. And the most noticeable difference is the rotary magazine instead of the in-line magazine used by the Career. While both style magazines function flawlessly, we do find that the Sumatra's rotary magazine has an advantage over the in-line magazine of the Career. That advantage is that pellets of any length in a given caliber can be shot in the rotary magazine by simply loading them. In fact, a shooter could load 6 different length pellets at the same time. The Career's in-line magazine requires that the stock be removed from the gun and the pellet port altered to accommodate every different pellet length. That is a decided advantage for the Sumatra for the shooter that likes to try different pellets. In summary, I would have to say that the Sumatra will quickly become a favorite in the airgunning world due to it's great power, excellent accuracy, ease of use and low price point. This rifle is a steal for anyone looking for a powerful PCP rifle. As more calibers are added, the rifle's attractiveness will increase even more. Check this one out closely if you're a hunter.


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